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Prague Media Point project

The Prague Media Point’s mission is to foster the media’s work for the public good by convening solution-oriented expert gatherings that bring together unique, regional perspectives and provide lasting networking experiences.

We believe that independent media are a necessary component of democracy and recognize that technological and societal developments have created many challenges for the media. Each of our conferences dedicates part of the program to the relationship between journalism and democracy. The motivation for our project is not to simply focus on the media for its own sake, but the underlying value of our project is democracy and its strength. One of the pillars of democracy is free press and that is where we choose to focus our efforts and do our part in strengthening the democratic system.


That is why we gather leading scholars, journalists, media executives, and other experts to exchange experiences, establish new relationships and debate the challenges facing both traditional and new media. We steer to ensure full representation of the various parts of the media landscape for a well-rounded and truly democratic discussion. Additionally, the issues are presented in an international context, with a greater focus on the Central and Eastern European regions with both their specific and shared challenges, so that a trans-border dialogue continues. This provides everyone involved with sound comparative perspectives and a more holistic outlook on the situation of the media in the modern world.

Since 2019 Prague Media Point has adopted the approach of "What's Working". We want to focus on the exchange of applicable know-how stemming from solution-oriented sessions and help identify opportunities for improvement. We seek to showcase examples of innovations, methods, and approaches that enable both private and public service media to fulfill their mission to serve for the public good.

The project's Steering Committee:

Jakub Klepal, Executive Director, KEYNOTE (organizer), Czechia

Yulia Savchenko, Voice of America Senior Editor, former BBC World Service reporter, USA

Christian Christensen, Professor of Journalism, Stockholm University, Sweden

Tony Curzon Price, Economist, former Editor-in-Chief of openDemocracy, former Senior Advisor at the UK Cabinet Office, United Kingdom

Graham Griffith, Media Strategist, former Senior Producer of public radio program On Point, USA

Gavan Titley, Professor in the Department of Media Studies, Maynooth University, Ireland


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