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December 5
Room 1
Room 2
Registrations open
10:45-10:50, Room 2
Vít Šimral, Coucillor, Council of the City of Prague, Czechia
Jakub Klepal, Co-Chair, Prague Media Point, Director, KEYNOTE, Czechia
Jeremy Druker, Co-Chair, Prague Media Point, Executive Director, Transitions, USA/Czechia
11:00-12:15, Room 1
Business Sustainability: Hope Amid the Doom and Gloom of Media Forecasts
Monetization, advertising, subscription, membership – those are some of the ingredients of a successful news media revenue mix. But they cannot exist on their own; they must be held together by sound strategy, reader trust, and the hard work of journalists. In an environment where what we knew only a few years ago no longer works today, what are some of the examples that offer hope amid the doom and gloom of media forecasts? How have successful media organizations combined strategy and tactics to ensure economic sustainability? What are some of the best practices that can adopted elsewhere?

Ján Simkanič, Director, Deník N, Czechia

Simon Jacoby, Publisher, Tsü, Switzerland

Sarah H. Klein, Editor-in-Chief, Tea after Twelve, Germany


Tony Curzon Price, Director, openDemocracy, Former Economic Advisor to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom

11:00-12:15, Room 2
30 Years of Free Media in Czechia: Lessons for the Future?
In cooperation with the City of Prague
Since 1989, the Czech media scene has experienced tumultuous development. From a controlled media environment, it has moved into the free market with the swift emergence of commercial media. Recent developments reflect ownership changes, revenue challenges, and pressure on the quality of journalistic work. Considering the transformation of the Czech media scene since 1989. What lessons should we take for the future?

Jiří Majstr, CEO, Czech News Agency (ČTK), Czechia

Václav Štětka, Lecturer in Communication and Media Studies, Loughborough University, and Researcher, Charles University, Czechia

Robert Čásenský, Editor-in-Chief, Reportér Magazín, Czechia

Ondrej Podstupka, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, SME, Slovakia


Jeremy Druker, Co-Chair, Prague Media Point Conference, Executive Director, Transitions, Czechia

12:30-13:45, Room 1
Minority Media

There has never been an era as easy as it is now for minority groups and marginalized citizens to make their voices heard. But major challenges remain for those seeking more visibility in the current environment of information overload. In this panel, a group of scholars will provide examples of some of the methods being adopted, while explaining what has worked and what hasn’t.

LGBT Community-Based Organizations as News Sources: Political Communication in Shifting Contexts

Tomás Dodds, PhD Researcher, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

Transnational and Translocal Media Practices of Vietnamese in the Czech Republic

Tae-Sik Kim, Assistant Professor, Masaryk University, South Korea/Czechia

‘The Selkups: A Big Story About a Small Nation Told by Students

Vasily Vershinin, Senior Lecturer, Tomsk University, Russia

Galina Sakharevich, Editor, Mamihlapinatana LLC, Russia


Douglas Arellanes, Lecturer, Anglo-American University, USA

12:30-13:45, Room 2
Deutsche Welle and RFE/RL: Getting the Message Across
In cooperation with the Czech-German Future Fund
Diverse audiences have diversified information needs, as well as different sensitivities to particular formats. What are some strategies that news media adopt to reach their target audiences? What are some successful examples of trustworthy formats, and can they be replicated? Can there be a unified approach to news delivery across cultures? Initial presentations will be followed by a moderated discussion open to the audience.

Adelheid Feilcke, Head of European Languages Desk, Deutsche Welle, Germany

Jeremy Bransten, Regional Director for European Language Services, RFE/RL, USA


Arzu Geybulla, Journalist, Azerbaijan

14:45-15:15, Room 2
In cooperation with the Embassy of Norway
In 2016, without any previous involvement in the media sector, Norway’s Sparebankstiftelsen DNB (the Savings Bank Foundation DNB) acquired Amedia, the country’s largest publisher of local media titles. DNB established an independent foundation called Amediastiftelsen as the owner of the media group, which manages over 60 newspapers. One of the key figures in the acquisition will speak about why the bank decided to defend the local press, how it did so, and what it has learned so far.
André Støylen, CEO, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, Norway
15:15-16:30, Room 1
Teaser Session

Do you have an interesting project that the world needs to know about? Are you looking for partners? Do you want to bounce ideas off like-minded people? Share your plans and inspire and learn from others during this teaser session. Rules: Presentations should be no longer than six minutes and no more than 15 slides. The number of spots is limited. Register by December 1, 2019. Register here.


The session is open only to registered conference participants. 

15:15-16:30, Room 2
Media Funders and Fundees: What’s Working in Journalism Philanthropy?

In cooperation with the European Endowment for Democracy, the Media and Democracy Foundation, and the Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague

As the challenges of financing quality journalism mount, media philanthropy has risen in stature. But it's a delicate proposition to give grants to media without compromising their independence or setting them up for donor-dependency. Many funders are also learning how to distinguish support between start-ups and more established entities. What are the most effective ways to support media start-ups to ensure they can fulfill their mission in the long-term? In countries that suppress democratic principles, the pressure on independent media and their audiences may make business sustainability nearly impossible. In those cases, should the goal of business sustainability be abandoned for a different set of criteria? What are donors looking for in a grant proposal? Is it always necessary to come up with the next big thing? How should impact be defined and measured, especially in repressive media environments? Are there any novel ways of funding media that are currently working?

Dragana Zarkovic Obradovic, Country Director, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (Serbia Office), Serbia

Gerald Radinger, Editor, Communications Officer, Erste Stiftung, Austria

Kaya Heyse, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Medyascope, Turkey

Andrea Karlsson, Programme Manager, European Endowment for Democracy, Belgium

Bas van Beek, Founder, Authentieke Journalistiek, The Netherlands

Caspar Scholten, Member of the Board, Democracy and Media Foundation, The Netherlands


Mira Milosevic, Executive Director, Global Forum for Media Development, Serbia/United Kingdom

16:45-18:00, Room 1
From Concept to Audience: News Content Development Workshop

In cooperation with Deutsche Welle and the Czech-German Future Fund

Have you ever had an idea for an innovative program but were unsure how to bring it to your audience? This workshop will guide you through the planning stages of a new product or content format and help you think about important considerations when trying to reach a specific audience. You are encouraged to bring actual ideas of new content products or formats that you are thinking of developing.

Patrick H. Leusch, Head of European Affairs, Deutsche Welle, Germany

Adelheid Feilcke, Head of European Languages Desk, Deutsche Welle, Germany

16:45-18:00, Room 2
Men as Experts and Women as Victims? How to Achieve Gender Diversity in News Sourcing

In cooperation with the Prague Office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, the Embassy of Sweden, and the Embassy of the United Kingdom 

According to the Global Media Monitoring Project, only about 24% of news subjects and 19% of experts interviewed in the news are women. Research also shows that women tend more often to be portrayed as witnesses or victims while men are quoted as experts. The process through which people are assigned certain characteristics based on gender is called gender stereotyping, and gendered sourcing in editorial content is one aspect of that. What are some of the strategies that can help achieve gender diversity in news sourcing? How can newsmakers better serve their audiences in this respect?

Silvie Lauder, Journalist, Respekt, Czechia

Lara Joannides, Project Lead 50:50 Project, BBC, United Kingdom

Greta Gober, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Stockholm, Poland/Sweden


Zuzanna Ziomecka, Journalist, Editor, Newsroom Leadership Coach, Poland

This is a public discussion. Capacity is limited, register here

Reception on the Occasion of the 6th Prague Media Point Conference and in Support of Global Media Freedom

Nick Archer, Ambassador to Czechia, United Kingdom

Ayesha Rekhi, Ambassador to Czechia, Canada

Martin Povejšil, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czechia

Jakub Klepal, Conference Co-Chair, Director, KEYNOTE, Czechia

Jeremy Druker, Conference Co-Chair, Executive Director, Transitions, USA/Czechia

Invitees only

Address: Thunovská 14, Praha 1

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