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Rewatch the 2020 Conference: Diversity and Journalism

Prague Media Point

(Re)Contextualizing Gender-Related Public Discourse with Satire

The increasingly popular genre of news satire has found its place in gender-related issues. Developed by comedians, it has been adopted by some news media and helps contextualize gender-related issues appearing in the public discourse. The Polish "Przy Kawie o Sprawie" turns stereotypes inside out. Single episodes have been viewed by more than 150,000 people on YouTube. And in Czechia, more than 50,000 follow the satirical current affairs commentaries of “Branky Body Kokoti“ on Facebook, and fans attend live tapings. The panelists will discuss how to use this genre as a tool to introduce new perspectives on current issues to the wider public. This discussion was organized in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung e.V.


Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska, Journalist and Commentator, Krytyka Polityczna, Poland

Brigita Zemen, Producer and Journalist, TV Nova, Czechia


Milica Pesic, Executive Director, Media Diversity Institute, United Kingdom

Reporting on Central and Eastern Europe's LGBTQI+ Communities: More Opportunities, More Threats

In-depth, objective, and sensitive reporting of LGBTQI+ communities is at record highs across the globe. Bucking this trend are populist movements in Central and Eastern Europe that have led to reporting of marginalized communities often being filtered through the distorted lens of state-captured media. LGBTQI+ persons, activists, and journalists are targeted both physically and online at dramatically rising levels. This session will discuss these worrying trends, the media's role, and helpful resources, including EJC’s just-released “LGBTQI+ Communities: A Reporters' Guide.“


Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska, Journalist and Commentator, Krytyka Polityczna, Poland

Tetiana Pechonchyk, Head of Board, ZMINA, Ukraine


Milica Pesic, Executive Director, Media Diversity Institute, United Kingdom

Reimagining Political Debate: What Happens When People Really Listen

TV debates are often staged as battles that need to be won. “Einig?“ (Do You Agree?) is a TV program in Norway that reimagines the political debate format. What happens when participants must listen to each other, may not interrupt, and must strive to understand their opponents? This type of constructive debate has been envisioned to help discuss today‘s major challenges and to bring together the diversity of opinions reflected in society. What have been some of the most interesting moments in “Einig?“ How does a show without a host steer the discussion? What are some of the producers‘ takeaways? All this and more will be answered by Gro Engen, the program's editor and a journalist at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation.


Gro Engen, Journalist, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), Norway


Milica Pesic, Executive Director, Media Diversity Institute, United Kingdom

Interview: Shedding Light on Roma issues for 15 Years, and Thriving

Find out more about the news server, which covers events in the Romani world and is the most-visited Romani news server in the Czech Republic. Romea reports on events concerning Romani people and provides a platform for Romani people themselves. This discussion was organized in cooperation with the Czech-German Future Fund.


Štefan Balog, Education Coordinator, Fundraiser, Romea, Czechia


Jeremy Druker, Executive Director, Transitions, Prague Media Point conference Co-Chair, Czechia

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